Join a Science Club - be mentored and have fun
You can make your first year at Cal even more fun by joining one or more of the science clubs related to your interests. You will enjoy both community and mentoring by students who understand your goals and challenges. Many of the clubs mix sports teams, ice cream socials with visits to research facilities, and field trips. Get advice for which courses, which professors, which experiences you do not want to miss as well as contacts for research and other special opportunities. Generally, you do not have to be a declared major but just share an interest. Check with the Dept Major Advisors for meeting times and contacts, the department web site for undergraduates, or check the Cal website: Here is a sampling: Earth and Planetary Science: Atmospheric Science Club, Ocean Society, Geological Assn at Berkeely (GAB), Physics:Society of Physics Students at Berkeley, Mathematics: MUSA , Computer Science: many. This is just a small sampling of the opportunities for science, community, and fun: Also consider campus wide groups - UC Berkeley chapter of Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society; American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES); Society for Women in Science (SwiS); Out in Science (oSTEM); ); UC Berkeley Black Engineering and Science Student Association ; Hispanic Engineers and Scientists UCB HES.