

Why Attending Instructor and GSI Office Hours are Important to You

Are you just entering Cal as a first year or transfer?  Please be sure to start attending office hours. This is an important investment in more ways than one. Sure it can help to improve your understanding of what professors and graduate student instructors (GSI's) expect of you in classes, labs and sections.

More than 800 Opportunities for Funding, Mentoring and Research

Pathways to Science is a project of the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP). Pathways to Science supports pathways to the STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  Use their website to search more than 800 different opportunities for research, mentoring and funding. It is easy to use and organized first by level of study (i.e.

American Physics Society

The American Physics Society (APS) offers mentoring and career guidance to students as well as scholarships and internships to encourage students to consider graduate study in science and engineering.  A free trial membership is offered to students for their first year and then continues at a low annual student rate.


Dept. of Energy Fellowship Program

Attention seniors as well as graduate students - for updated information see website below


U.S. Department of Energy

Carlsbad Field Office (CBFO) Fellowship Program

2014 TAPIA Conference Travel Scholarships Now Available!

The Tapia Conference provides scholarships for students (undergraduate/graduate), post-docs and a limited number for faculty. Scholarships include conference registration, meals during the conference, hotel accommodations, and a reimbursable travel stipend. Tapia scholarships are generously funded by government and industry organizations.

To support the Conference goals of celebrating diversity in computing, scholarships will be reviewed and evaluated by the Scholarship Committee according to three, main criteria:


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